AssetWise Director Help

Search Results

Running a search displays the results in a search results window at the bottom of the Content pane.

From the search results you can:

  • right-click an object and perform various tasks on the object
  • double-click any row in the search results to open that object in the Content pane.
  • drag objects from the search results into the appropriate topics
Note: You can configure the number of records displayed per page in the Paging tab of the Options dialog (Tools > Options).

Double-clicking any object in the results list opens the object in a new tabbed view pane. The results are saved in the particular object’s results pane until another search on that object type is performed.

Search results appear at the bottom of the screen in collapsible panes. The results appear in these panes regardless of whether the search request came from the quick find pane at the top of the screen or the ‘advanced search’ collapsible pane at the right side of the screen. Each type of search has its own results pane, and these results are saved in the pane until another search of the same type is performed. The search results pane is provided for Documents, Components, Work Orders, Change Requests, Physical Items, Persons, Roles, Skill Groups, Projects, Virtual Item Groups, and Virtual Item searches.. Double-clicking on any item in the results pane opens the item in a new tabbed view pane.

You also have the option of copying the results to the clipboard, exporting them to Excel, and even the option to preview and print the results. Right-clicking in the list brings up the context menu that contains these options.